Life Stress Questionnaire by Dr. Thomas Holmes

Based on studies by Dr. Thomas Holmes, University of Washington Medical Center.

– The Life Stress Questionnaire was created in 1967 by psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe as a method to evaluate the effect of stressor life events on the immune system and the likelihood that a person suffers from health issues that can be linked to stress (the invisible illness).

How the Life Stress Questionnaire by Dr. Thomas Holmes works

You will be presented with the Life Stress Questionnaire developed by Dr. Thomas Holmes, University of Washington Medical Center, as a FREE online 5-minute stress test. To measure your stress level, read over each of the life events and select “YES” for each life event that has happened to you in the past year and “NO” for those that have not. Please respond to each of the questions with a Yes/No. There is no right or wrong response. At the end of the questionnaire, you will receive a score, your Stress-O-Meter score, based on a scale developed by Dr. Holmes.

Based on research data from the general population sample, here’s how to interpret your Stress-O-Meter score.

  • 0-150:  No significant problem in your life
  • 151-199: You are experiencing mild life stress
  • 200-299: You are experiencing moderate life stress
  • 300-plus: You are experiencing major life stress

Self-awareness is key for ensuring overall good health. Your HopeLives365 Online University’s Stress-O-Meter score is to serve as a self-awareness guide, not a diagnosis. You might like to share the answers and score with a trusted family member, friend and/or your pastor, or perhaps your doctor if you would like some further advice, support, and help.

We would also recommend that after you have obtained your HopeLives365 Online University’s Stress-O-Meter score, you enroll in the Secrets to Wellness Online course series by Teenie Finley, in our Health Category of courses to learn how to manage your stress and live to a healthy 100.

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Welcome to your life stress assessment from HopeLives365 Online University. To begin, please enter your name, occupation, country, and a valid email address so we can send you a copy of your life stress assessment results and Stress-O-Meter score. To measure your stress level, read over each of the life events and select "YES" for each life event that has happened to you in the past year and "NO" for those that have not. At the end of the questionnaire, click on the "Submit" button to receive your life stress assessment results and Stress-O-Meter score.

Copyright © 1981 by Thomas H. Holmes, M.D. The University of Washington Press Edition, 1986. Department 1 Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington 98185.



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