5 Steps to Becoming a Highly Effective Lay Preacher – Step 5

Learn seven (7) different types of public appeals and how to make them. Understand the importance of Christ-centered appeals.

– Taught by Pastor Mark Finley

What Will I Learn?

  • How to study a passage in context and examine it to extract the biblical truths it contains
  • How to discover things in a Bible text you have not seen before
  • Why Christ-centered public appeals are important
  • How to make effective appeals and watch the power of the Holy Spirit move upon your audience
  • Seven (7) different ways to make public appeals
  • What is the most challenging public appeal and why?
  • Tips on the design and use of an appeal card
  • What the combination-call appeal is and when to use it

“God is raising up a last generation of preachers filled with the Holy Spirit whose messages are life changing.”
Pastor Mark Finley

*** Enroll in all five courses (Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4 and Step 5) in the 5 Steps to Becoming a Highly Effective Lay Preacher series and become a dynamic and highly effective lay preacher.

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HopeLives365 Online University
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 by Michael

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