Introduction – Secrets to Wellness

Learn vital information on health and wellness as Teenie Finley introduces The Secrets to Wellness series. Learn what percentage of your risk of death is due to genetics and what you can do about the remainder. Understand wellness as the pathway of health and happiness.

– Taught by Teenie Finley

Secrets to Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

Online information about health is popping up all over the Internet. So why offer online courses on health, and, specifically, why the Secrets to Wellness Online course series by Ernestine “Teenie” Finley on the HopeLives365 Online University? Because it only takes eight (8) secrets to improve your life! The Secrets to Wellness Online course series divulges the secrets and provides them in an easy to study format – available anywhere. Study them on your own time and pace. The Secrets to Wellness Online course series consist of the following courses:

  • Introduction to the Secrets to Wellness series
  • Water – Secrets to Wellness
  • Exercise – Secrets to Wellness
  • Love – Secrets to Wellness
  • Lifestyle – Secrets to Wellness
  • Nutrition – Secrets to Wellness
  • Environment – Secrets to Wellness
  • Sunshine – Secrets to Wellness
  • Sleep – Secrets to Wellness

Over 9-hours of high-quality instructional videos, from Teenie Finley, PLUS the audio file from each of her presentations for you to download and listen offline or add to your playlist – listen in your car, etc. The combination of the Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)’s videos with the associated audio files are available ONLY in HopeLives365 Online University’s course catalog.

These secrets are neither complicated nor expensive. But they offer no magic bullet or healing elixir. The key to improved health is making positive lifestyle choices. The Secrets to Wellness Online course series will not only tell you what to do but how to do it. Every lesson ends with practical tips to wellness that you can put into practice immediately.

Why should you take the Secrets to Wellness Online course series? Any woman who begins running marathons at seventy, places in the top three in her age group, and completes the marathon with no pain has something worthwhile to say. Teenie Finley is that woman and she teaches the lessons in The Secrets to Wellness Online course series.

All change begins with a choice. Choose now to enroll in the Secrets to Wellness Online course series and live a healthier life! At the conclusion of the final course (Sleep – Secrets to Wellness) in the series you will receive a signed digital certificate of completion for the Secrets to Wellness.

In Introduction – Secrets to Wellness you will:

  • Get an overview of the essentials for optimum health and wellbeing
  • Understand wellness – the pathway of health and happiness
  • Learn centenarians’ response to the question, “What is it that actually keeps you living to a healthy 100?”
  • Understand if good health is a matter of chance or a matter of choice
  • Learn what percentage of your risk of death is due to genetics
  • Learn the most important factor of the remaining percentage

We recommend that before beginning the Secrets to Wellness Online course series by Teenie Finley, you complete the Life Stress Questionnaire by Dr. Thomas Holmes and check your stress level using the HopeLives365 Online University’s Stress-O-Meter. Click here to check your stress level.

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Ernestine “Teenie” Finley, BS, BA holds degrees in Personal Ministries and Communications and is currently pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Original Medicine. Her passion is sharing the principles of a positive, healthy lifestyle. She has inspired thousands of health-conscious individuals to improve their quality of life, reduce their risk of disease and increase their longevity through her books, TV appearances and seminars. She personally follows the healthy lifestyle she advocates. Ernestine ran her first marathon at 70 years old and continues to exercise daily.


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