Debunking COVID-19 Vaccine Myths-Part 1
By Dr. David DeRose

Get the medical facts about the COVID-19 vaccines and their development. Get professional medical advice, from a popular and trusted Seventh-day Adventist doctor, on whether to take the vaccine or not.

– Taught by Dr. David DeRose

It’s likely you have heard claims about the COVID-19 vaccines on social media or from the people in your life. Also, the rapid development and approval of these vaccines may make you hesitant about their safety or effectiveness.

However, as the vaccination rhetoric continues to intensify (and Dr. David DeRose continues to field questions), HopeLives365 Online University thought it important to put this information from him in people’s hands. Through this online course, Dr. DeRose’s hope is simply this: more constructive and fact-based dialogue, enhanced respect for differing viewpoints, and more reasoned personal and societal decisions. To appreciate this course in its intended full context, please take it in conjunction with Dr. DeRose’s other online courses related to this topic “Moving Beyond Immune Enhancement. and Debunking Covid-19 Vaccine Myths-Part 2.

Please note: Dr. DeRose’s emphasis in his course relates particularly to individuals at “high risk” for serious COVID-19 infection.

In this course you will:

  • Get the facts about three (3) myths circulated on social media, in conversations, and via other avenues of communication:
    1. COVID-19 vaccines were developed using fetal tissue.
    2. The COVID-19 vaccine was developed to control the general population either through microchip tracking or “nano transducers or nanobots” in our brains.
    3. COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA.
  • Learn Dr. DeRose’s recommendation on whether to get the vaccine or not
  • Get FREE professionally-authored resources including:
    1. an extensive immune system handout
    2. a free 30-day online lifestyle change program
    3. a free e-book on building immunity

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About the instructor

David DeRose, MD, MPH is a board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine with a Master in Public Health degree emphasizing Health Promotion and Health Education. In addition to his active clinical work, DeRose is a syndicated radio host, popular lecturer, and published medical researcher.

The principles presented by Dr. David DeRose in these exciting online courses are based on the material contained in 30 Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control by Dr. David DeRose, Dr. Greg Steinke, and Nurse Practitioner Trudie Li – an Amazon bestseller.

Additional online courses from Dr. David DeRose.


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