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Discovering Revelation Series Special
Unsealing Daniel's Mysteries – 3<br>By Mark Finley
his final course in the series expands on the knowledge gained by the student in Unsealing Daniel Mysteries-1 and Unsealing Daniel Mysteries-2 while integrating the video content from the very popular and highly acclaimed Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries DVD series with online quizzes designed to reinforce important historical concepts and spiritual principles. The 2300 Day Prophecy is the longest time prophecy recorded in all of Scriptures and Pastor Finley includes a bonus lesson entirely devoted to that topic – complete with its own quiz.
Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries 2 covers Daniel chapters 9-12 and includes video content from the
Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries DVD series
. The following are the lessons in this course:
Daniel 9 – Always on Time
2300 Day Prophecy (bonus lesson)
Daniel 10 – Without a Doubt
Daniel 11 – Still in His Hands
Daniel 12 – The End and a New Beginning
Unsealing Daniel's Mysteries – 2<br>By Mark Finley
his course expands on the knowledge gained by the student in Unsealing Daniel Mysteries-1 by integrating the video content from the very popular and highly acclaimed Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries DVD series with online quizzes designed to reinforce important historical concepts and spiritual principles. Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries 2 covers Daniel chapters 5-8 and includes video content from the
Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries DVD series
. The following are the lessons in this course:
Daniel 5 – Life’s Greatest Mistake
Daniel 6 – Confidence in the Crisis
Daniel 7 – Kingdoms in Collision
Daniel 8 – Cleansed at Last
Unsealing Daniel's Mysteries – 1<br>By Mark Finley
his course integrates the video content from the very popular and highly acclaimed Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries DVD series with online quizzes designed to reinforce important historical concepts and spiritual principles.
Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries 1 covers Daniel chapters 1-4 and includes video content from the
Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries DVD series
.. The following are the lessons in this course:
Daniel 1 – Prophetic Symbols Revealed
Daniel 2 – The Psychics vs. the Prophet
Daniel 3 – Defying the Death Decree
Daniel 4 – The Impossible Deliverance
Over four and a half (4.5) Hours of Insightful and Intense Teaching from Pastor Mark Finley Combined with Online Quizzes in this Course!
As you study these lessons, you will:
Discover the secrets of a deeper prayer life.
Experience a new sense of God’s power in your own life.
Develop the spiritual strength to resist temptation.
Learn of earth-shaking events soon to burst upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.
Find the keys to understanding truth for our times.
Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 6
In Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 6 you will:
Learn the meaning of the tale of the two women described by John in Revelation—one is dressed in pure white, and the other dressed in scarlet riding on a beast.
Discover the meaning of the imagery of these two women.
Unmask the mystery behind the number 666—the
Mark of the Beast
Discover the identity of the beast and learn whether it is a person or an organization.
Learn how to avoid receiving the
Mark of the Beast
Learn how to identify God’s true last-day church.
Understand the role of the prophetic gift in the last day church
Discover the guidelines, definite specifications, in the Word of God to use when searching for the true church.
Learn how Satan tries to counter the genuine gift of prophecy with false prophets, astrologers and psychics.
Discover breathtaking details of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, described by John in the book of Revelation.
Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 5
In Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 5 you will:
Learn the meaning of baptism
Learn the method of baptism identified in the Bible
Discover the symbolism of baptism
Understand the importance of baptism
Discover, in the book of Revelation, five (5) clear features that separate a cult from a healthy religious group
Learn how the devil deceives millions of Christians into thinking that it makes no difference how they treat their bodies as long as their “hearts” are right with God
Learn man’s original diet given to us by God
Learn why there are so many denominations and how to determine the right one
Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 4
In Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 4 you will:
Learn about the battle of Armageddon and how to be ready for last-day events.
Understand the meaning of the seven last plagues John described in
Revelation 16
Discover what happens to your body and soul when you die, and how to face death with hope and confidence
Learn the biblical truths about 1) communicating with the dead, and 2) if people go to a better place when they die
Discover the biblical answer to the question, “Does the wicked burn in hell forever?”
Learn what the millennium mentioned in the book of Revelation is and what happens before and after the millennium.
Learn what the Bible means when it states that Satan will be bound with a great chain for 1,000 years and cast into the bottomless pit. (
Revelation 20:1-3, 7
Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 3
In Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 3 you will:
Learn about God’s final judgment described in the book of Revelation
Understand why the final judgment is the most important one of all
Learn when and where the final judgment occurs
Discover the standard used in the final judgment to determine guilt or innocence
Discover the link between the prophecies in the book of Daniel and John’s visions in the book of Revelation
Discover Revelation’s answer for society’s crumbling values
Discover Revelation’s eternal sign in earth’s last conflict
Learn how to identify Satan’s greatest deceptive and counterfeit religious doctrines and symbols
Discover, in the book of Revelation, history’s greatest hoax
Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 2
In Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 2 you will:
Discover the symbol of Jesus that dominates the book of Revelation
Understand the importance of that symbolism to us today
Learn the impact of unresolved guilt on our emotional health
Discover the images of believers presented in Revelation
Discover the source of spiritual power for last-day believers
Understand God’s end-time plan laid out in the Bible
Discover the one thing, described in the Bible, that Satan can’t counterfeit
Discover Revelation’s most amazing prophecy and why it’s important to us today
Learn the focus of earth’s final conflict between good vs evil
Understand the angel’s messages in Revelation 14 in the context of modern-day events
Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 1
In Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries 1 you will:
Discover Revelation’s startling predictions for the 21st Century
Discover Revelation’s biggest surprise
Understand the relationship between the books of Daniel and Revelation
Understand Revelation’s greatest end-time signs
Discover Revelation’s star wars: the battle behind the throne
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Discovering Revelation Series Special