Lindsley Bowen shares his story…

 Lindsley Bowen

Lay evangelist in the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, Barbados

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am from the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. God’s willing, I will be celebrating another birthday on March 6th, 2021. I was baptized in April 1981 and became a member of the Checker Hall Seventh-day Adventist church. I loved evangelism from the outset and started working with the youth and personal ministries departments. I have grown to be one of the leading lay evangelists in the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. I love developing new or weaker churches. I am married and my wife and I have two adult daughters.

How did you hear about HopeLives365 Online University
From a WhatsApp message.

What specific factor(s) influenced your decision to enroll in our online courses?
Last year (2020) when there was the first lockdown, I wanted to use my time home to study, understand prophecy more, and learn how to improve my preaching.

How have you used the information you learned from your courses; either in your personal life, witnessing for Christ, ministry, or helping others?
I have used the information to help me have a deeper spiritual relationship with Christ in my personal life and to improve my preaching and witnessing for Christ.

Share an experience where you were able to use the information you received from your courses to witness to someone or to improve your ministry for Christ.
I receive many invitations to preach at churches in Barbados. The information from this platform and these courses has made my presentations deeper. People attending church when I preach would post or call to say how they were encouraged. In 2020, my computer stopped working due to a fire and my phone was not working too well. I purchased a new phone and got my computer replaced, so I am now getting back to my online courses.

If you could give only one reason, why would you suggest other students enroll in our online courses?
The information provided in these courses is deep and can go a long way in personal and public ministry.

Share Your Story. Tell us about your experience as a student of HopeLives365 Online University.