The life of a Christian is unique (1 Peter 2:9). Everyone has a story to tell. Every day, people from all backgrounds across the globe find ways to witness, teach, motivate, inspire, help, and uplift others. Our online inspirational courses provide access to transformational material from men and women of God blessed with tremendous knowledge and experience in their areas of excellence and service. We create and deliver high-quality content to inspire and transform lives and communities. No matter your location, calling in life – you make a difference daily (Hebrews 10:24-25). We want to collect and share your stories to help inspire and transform others (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

If you are interested in sharing your experiences as one of our student spotlights, please fill out the form and answer as many of the spotlight questions as you can. In addition, you may upload any photos, brief videos (no more than 90s), audio files to help tell your story.

Photos and spotlight responses will be published to the HopeLives365 Online University website, shared on our FaceBook, Instagram, and potentially used in other types of marketing. Please note that by submission of this webform, you grant HopeLives365 Online University the right to use, reproduce and publish the text and/or photos for any lawful purpose without compensation or any other consideration.

Read our students’ stories…

If you have not yet done so, Share Your Story. Tell us about your experience as a student of HopeLives365 Online University.