30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 26-30
By Dr. David DeRose

Learn how to identify which dietary supplements are negatively impacting your blood pressure and/or blood sugar levels. Learn about medically-demonstrated supplements (for example, Coenzyme Q10, etc.) and their benefits. Discover how melatonin can lower your blood pressure. Discover medical facts about the act of forgiveness.

– Taught by Dr. David DeRose

30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 26-30
By Dr. David DeRose

This is the sixth and final course in the 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control Online six-course series by Dr. David DeRose, which covers Day 26-30 of the 30-day program.

In 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 26-30, you will:

  • Learn how to identify which dietary supplements are negatively impacting your blood pressure and/or blood sugar levels and what to do about them.
  • Learn about medically-demonstrated supplements (for example, Coenzyme Q10, psyllium seed husk, guar gum, etc.) and how they might help to optimize your blood pressure and/or blood sugar levels.
  • Discover how melatonin can lower your blood pressure.
  • Discover how the act of forgiveness can help to optimize your blood pressure and/or blood sugar levels.
  • Identify some follow-up activities, now that you have completed the 30-day program.


  1. To help you get the maximum benefit from 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control by Dr. David DeRose, when you enroll in this course, you will automatically be enrolled in all of the six courses for the entire 30-day program – for FREE!
  2. To assist you in progressing smoothly through the program, and not become overwhelmed, the lesson for each day will be available to you on the specific day of the program. For example, the lesson for Day 27 will become available 27-days after your enrollment in the program, Day 30 on the thirtieth day after your enrollment, and so on.

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About the instructor

David DeRose, MD, MPH is a board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine with a Master in Public Health degree emphasizing Health Promotion and Health Education. In addition to his active clinical work, DeRose is a syndicated radio host, popular lecturer, and published medical researcher.

The principles presented by Dr. David DeRose in these exciting online courses are based on the material contained in, the Amazon’s best selling book, 30 Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control by Dr. David DeRose, Dr. Greg Steinke, and Nurse Practitioner Trudie Li.


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