Seven (7) Principles for Effective Scripture Memorization
By Dr. Robert Banks


FREE Webinar Replay Course!

This course is the webinar replay of Seven (7) Principles for Effective Scripture Memorization by Pastor Bob Banks, held on January 12, 2020.


FREE Webinar Replay Course!

This course is the webinar replay of Seven (7) Principles for Effective Scripture Memorization by Pastor Bob Banks, held on January 12, 2020.

Over the past 40-years, Dr. Robert Banks has committed over 700 chapters, including 31 complete books of the Bible to memory. During this webinar replay course.

You will:

    • Learn (7) seven key principles for effectively memorizing Scripture
    • Learn how to memorize large portions of Scripture AND retain it
    • Discover the theological basis for the discipline of committing the Word of God to memory
    • Get a copy of Pastor Banks’ study guide