Pursuing Peace – Managing Conflicts in the Church
By Johnny Wong


Pursuing Peace – Managing Conflicts in the Church
Based on a Study on Nehemiah 5
By Johnny Wong

In this course you will:

  • Develop a biblical understanding of the nature of conflicts, and conflict management styles
  • Discover six (6) steps, successfully used by Nehemiah, for resolving conflicts
  • Learn how to lovingly adopt these steps as a basis for conflict management in the church
  • Complete a Leadership Application Assignment that includes the review of a case study of a situation that requires you to apply conflict resolution steps you learned in this course


Pursuing Peace – Managing Conflicts in the Church
Based on a Study on Nehemiah 5
By Johnny Wong

In this course you will:

  • Develop a biblical understanding of the nature of conflicts, and conflict management styles
  • Discover six (6) steps, successfully used by Nehemiah, for resolving conflicts
  • Learn how to lovingly adopt these steps as a basis for conflict management in the church
  • Complete a Leadership Application Assignment that includes the review of a case study of a situation that requires you to apply conflict resolution steps you learned in this course