Developing an Effective Prayer Life
By Dr. Nadine Collins


Developing an Effective Prayer Life
By Dr. Nadine Collins

This is the replay of the live training session by Dr. Nadine Collins titled, Developing an Effective Prayer Life, held on August 22, 2021.

In this course you will:

  • Understand that prayer is talking to God as you talk to a friend
  • Learn to view and appreciate prayer as constantly engaging in two-way communications with God
  • Discover that you do not need to do all the talking. God wants to talk back to you
  • Understand that the purpose of knowing God’s voice is to know His Holy Spirit and ultimately to obey Him
  • Get a FREE copy of Dr. Nadine Collins’ eBook, 3 Steps to Your Next Breakthrough
  • Get additional, valuable, information from Dr. Collins’ responses to the questions from the attendees to the live training event


Developing an Effective Prayer Life
By Dr. Nadine Collins

This is the replay of the live training session by Dr. Nadine Collins titled, Developing an Effective Prayer Life, held on August 22, 2021.

In this course you will:

  • Understand that prayer is talking to God as you talk to a friend
  • Learn to view and appreciate prayer as constantly engaging in two-way communications with God
  • Discover that you do not need to do all the talking. God wants to talk back to you
  • Understand that the purpose of knowing God’s voice is to know His Holy Spirit and ultimately to obey Him
  • Get a FREE copy of Dr. Nadine Collins’ eBook, 3 Steps to Your Next Breakthrough
  • Get additional, valuable, information from Dr. Collins’ responses to the questions from the attendees to the live training event