April 26, 2020 – Gift Course Package


April 26, 2020 – Gift Course Package
The team at HopeLives365 Online University has put together an April 26, 2020 – Gift Course Package consisting of:

  1. What Does the Bible Say About Global Pandemics and Plagues? By Mark Finley
  2. A special digital copy of Signs of the Times magazine: COVID-19, Facing the Crisis With Confidence.
  3. Secrets to Wellness Online Nine (9) Course Series by Ernestine “Teenie” Finley

What Does the Bible Say About Global Pandemics and Plagues?<br>PLUS COVID-19 edition of Signs of the Times Magazine

What Does the Bible Say About Global Pandemics, Pestilences, and Plagues? by Pastor Mark Finley Learn how the Bible distinguishes between pandemics (for e.g. novel coronavirus/COVID-19), pestilences, and plagues. Learn why COVID-19 is not a plague. Discover four (4) reasons, from the Bible, why pestilences and plagues fall on the earth. Learn how to boost your immune system. This is the webinar replay of Pastor Mark Finley's live-Bible study session held on Sunday, March 29, 2020.

Introduction – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

Introduction – Secrets To Wellness Learn vital information on health and wellness as Teenie Finley introduces The Secrets To Wellness series. Learn what percentage of your risk of death is due to genetics and what you can do about the remainder. Understand wellness as the pathway of health and happiness.

1) Water – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

1) Water – The Secrets To Wellness Learn the importance of water to having a longer, healthier, and happier life. Understand how water can be used as a healing agent. Based on research data from Harvard School of Public Health, discover the dangers of soft drinks and other sugary drinks.

2) Exercise – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

2) Exercise – Secrets To Wellness Learn the importance of having an active lifestyle and the benefits that you can receive from exercising, even as little as 30-minutes a day for 5-days a week. Discover from research, conducted by the University of California, the impact of exercise on the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Discover how exercise helps build you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

3) Love – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

3) Love – Secrets To Wellness Learn how love and intimacy are connected to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Learn how science is proofing the healing power of love and healthful loving relationships. Learn the impact of a “network of friends” on longevity.

4) Lifestyle – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

4) Lifestyle – Secrets To Wellness Understand how the lifestyle choices you make can affect your health in positive or negative ways. Learn how to make healthy and positive lifestyle choices and the benefits you will receive from doing so.

5) Nutrition – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

5) Nutrition – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley Learn the three (3) key principles of good nutrition. Learn how to choose the right kinds of foods for good nutrition. Discover foods that can actually protect you against the killer diseases (for example cancer, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, etc.) of the 21st century. Discover foods that can actually harm you and make you more susceptible to diseases. Learn the seven (7) benefits of a plant-based diet.

6) Environment – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

6) Environment – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley Surrounding yourself in an uplifting atmosphere will make an overall difference in your attitude causing you to have a better outlook on life. Learn how your environment affects your health.

7) Sunshine – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

7) Sunshine – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley In this course, you will learn that sunlight is the seventh secret to wellness. Sunshine strengthens your immune system and can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

8) Sleep – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley

8) Sleep – Secrets To Wellness Online by Teenie Finley Rest and good sleep are two aspects of God’s prescriptions for a good and healthy body. Learn the importance of sleep to your health and the many benefits it has to your body.


April 26, 2020 – Gift Course Package
The team at HopeLives365 Online University has put together an April 26, 2020 – Gift Course Package consisting of:

    1. What Does the Bible Say About Global Pandemics and Plagues? By Mark Finley
    2. A special digital copy of Signs of the Times magazine: COVID-19, Facing the Crisis With Confidence.
    3. Secrets to Wellness Online Nine (9) Course Series by Ernestine “Teenie” Finley