30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 11-15
By Dr. David DeRose


30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 11-15
By Dr. David DeRose

This will also add the following products to your cart:

  • 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 1-5
    By Dr. David DeRose
  • 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 16-20
    By Dr. David DeRose
  • 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 21-25
    By Dr. David DeRose
  • 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 26-30
    By Dr. David DeRose
  • 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 6-10
    By Dr. David DeRose


In 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control: Day 11-15, you will:

Learn about sleep hygiene
Learn practical tips to sleeping
Discover the impacts of sleep on blood pressure and blood sugar
Discover “Nature’s Perfect Beverage” and how its use/lack of it impacts blood pressure and blood sugar
Discover the power of hydrotherapy (water used externally) and how it can make a difference to those with diabetes and high blood pressure
Learn how spirituality can actually help improve your health and wellness
Learn seven (7) key weight control strategies