APEST Jun 29, 2022 Welcome to your APEST Assessment Inventory. APEST The APEST material originated in the writings of Paul. The APEST assessment is a profiling instrument designed to assist you in finding your ministry style in relation to the philosophy of the fivefold ministry of Ephesians 4 (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds, Teachers). Click on each image for a brief description. APOSTLE Connected to the Mission of God. Initiates new ministries and protects the missional DNA of the church. They have a burden for expansion and focus on multiplication rather than addition. PROPHET Connected to the Heart of God. Their hearts break with what breaks God's heart. Lead reforms, challenges the church to have compassion for community needs. EVANGELIST Connected to the Message of God. Persuade people to follow Jesus, recruit and gather people. Share the Gospel naturally and spend more time with people who do not know Jesus. SHEPHERD Connected to the People of God. Nurtures and develops relationships. They are concerned with people over projects, and value transformational relationships. Create an atmosphere of hospitality. TEACHER Connected to the Truth of God. Makes biblical truths clear, showing the connection between theology and practice. They have a depth of understanding of the mysteries of God. Trains others and teaches them to follow the ways of God. Click NEXT to begin your APEST inventory assessment. Read through the statements and decide as honestly as you can whether they apply to you often, sometimes or rarely and check the appropriate box. Do not linger on each item as your first thought is likely to represent the most accurate response. At the conclusion of the questionnaire, please enter your name and a valid email address so we can send you a copy of your results. I am good at listening and taking in what people say. Often Sometimes Rarely People say I am good at presenting information and ideas. Often Sometimes Rarely When I'm excited about something, I get others interested in it too. Often Sometimes Rarely I can accurately assess a person based on first impressions and know instinctively if they are being real with me. Often Sometimes Rarely I can be counted on to contribute original ideas. Often Sometimes Rarely I see more value in building up something meaningful and useful than always striking out into new initiative. Often Sometimes Rarely I try explaining things in different ways if people are finding a concept difficult to grasp or understand. Often Sometimes Rarely People with different value systems have said that they feel comfortable when they are around me, and that I have a positive effect on them being open to new ideas. Often Sometimes Rarely People describe me as entrepreneurial. Often Sometimes Rarely When I communicate truth (even hard truth) to others I see resulting changes in their knowledge, attitudes, values or conduct. Often Sometimes Rarely I like to tell stories, especially my own. Often Sometimes Rarely I like to create safe places for people to flourish and grow. Often Sometimes Rarely I like to share what I believe. Often Sometimes Rarely Sometimes I just intuitively know things that others seem to miss. Often Sometimes Rarely I can clarify goals, develop strategies and cast a vision to accomplish tasks. Often Sometimes Rarely I remember names or at least where I first met someone. Often Sometimes Rarely I generally appreciate hard facts more than theories. Often Sometimes Rarely I have enjoyed relating to a certain group of people over a period of time, sharing personally in their successes and their failures. Often Sometimes Rarely I sometimes get frustrated and even depressed at the lack of faith or understanding of others around me. Often Sometimes Rarely I like change even when it makes others uncomfortable. Often Sometimes Rarely I am able to discern the real meaning behind things. Often Sometimes Rarely I love to show people how to do things that I do well. Often Sometimes Rarely I sometime feel compelled to speak the truth, even if it makes others feel uncomfortable. Often Sometimes Rarely I enjoy coming up with new and original ideas, dreaming big and thinking about visions for the future. Often Sometimes Rarely I like to provide a safe and comfortable environment where people feel there are welcome, that they belong, are listened to and cared for. Often Sometimes Rarely I enjoy meditation and thinking deeply about spiritual things. Often Sometimes Rarely I've always wanted to a build a business/organization from the ground up so I can give my specific vision to it. Often Sometimes Rarely I am faithful in providing support, care and nurture for others over long periods of time, even when others have stopped. Often Sometimes Rarely I have expressed my spiritual feelings as pictures or analogies. Often Sometimes Rarely I enjoy taking notes when someone is speaking and pay close attention to the details of what they are saying. Often Sometimes Rarely I like to help organizations, groups, and leaders become more efficient and often find myself thinking about how things function. Often Sometimes Rarely When I like a movie or a restaurant, everyone will hear about it. Often Sometimes Rarely People tell me that the things I say often help them to try new things. Often Sometimes Rarely I enjoy coming up with the best, most efficient way to do a task right. Often Sometimes Rarely Social justice for the poor and marginalized means a great deal to me. Often Sometimes Rarely I don't shy away from controversial subjects if they are important to me. Often Sometimes Rarely I enjoy digging out information, ideas, and metaphors to explain a concept. Often Sometimes Rarely Sometimes, in my enthusiasm, I push my views too far with people. Often Sometimes Rarely I have a clear vision, and others have said that they feel confident to go along with me. Often Sometimes Rarely I try to think of different ways of expressing the truth. Often Sometimes Rarely I regularly like to be alone for long periods of time to reflect and think. Often Sometimes Rarely I empathize with those who are hurting or broken and can support them through their plan to wholeness. Often Sometimes Rarely When reading, it is easier for me to grasp the wider picture or message than the specific details. Often Sometimes Rarely 1 out of 9 Name Email Time's up