Winsome Witnessing
By Mark Finley

Learn how to get started in witnessing. Discover Jesus’ witnessing techniques and become an effective witness. Learn the keys to sharing your personal testimony in a powerful manner.

– Taught by Pastor Mark Finley

The goal of witnessing is to present the Christ-centered truths of the Bible so plainly and so powerfully that people surrender their lives to the living Christ. Pastor Mark Finley has condensed nearly 50 years of personal research and experience as an international evangelist into this FREE online course on winsome witnessing. Although the Holy Spirit convicts and empowers seeking people to accept the truths of God’s Word, as soul winners we cooperate with the Spirit in leading people to Jesus.

“Witnessing is not simply something we say; it is not simply something we do, it really is someone we are.”
(Mark Finley)

In this course you will:

  • Learn how to become a successful witness for Christ
  • How to ignite your desire for witnessing
  • Discover four (4) steps in being an effective witness for Christ
  • Learn three (3) keys to sharing personal testimonies in a powerful and compelling manner
  • Learn tips on how to establish and agree on Bible study times with your Bible study interests
  • Discover Jesus’ witnessing techniques, a proven approach to give interesting Bible studies
  • Discover tips on witnessing to family and close friends
  • Learn how to witness to Orthodox believers and members of other denominations
  • Learn as a pastor, or lay leader, how to motivate other leaders in your church to do witnessing and community outreach
  • Learn how to identify opportunities for witnessing as God opens doors for you
  • Discover techniques to overcome stereotypical and other barriers to establishing rapport with closed groups
  • Discover resources, some FREE, you can use for witnessing to others

This FREE course is the replay of the live-webinar Pastor Mark Finley held on July 28, 2019, and includes:

  1. The video replay of the webinar recording
  2. The audio file of the webinar recording so you can download and listen offline to Pastor Finley’s presentation
  3. A FREE copy of the King James version of the Bible

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HopeLives365 Online University
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 2 reviews
 by Alicia

A wealth of information. It gives great ideas and responses. I especially liked the "May I?" principle.

 by Beverley

Anyone can witness after hearing Mark. First you must develop a relationship with Christ, pray for guidance and keep it simple. I love the respect shown to others that waiting until their door opens to the possibility then offering a short testimony and asking if they would like more information. God is leading both the witnessor and witnessee! It is a journey of 2 + 3!