Achievement Points Program
Earn While You Learn
HopeLives365 Online University’s Achievement Points (AP) Program
HopeLives365 Online University’s Achievement Points (AP) Program is designed to make your learning experience fun and to incentivize you to complete your courses in a timely manner by offering you the opportunity to earn points as you achieve / complete various tasks on your learning adventure. You can use the Achievement Points (APs) you earn towards the purchase of ANY course in our course catalog – you earn while you learn.
A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul … (Proverbs 13:19 [NKJV])
You will receive an email for each achievement / completed task, informing you of the number of points you’ve earned for that achievement. You can view your total APs at any time by logging into your HopeLives365 Online University account, and clicking on the trophy icon on the My Account dashboard. When a student “spends” or uses his or her APs towards the purchase of a course, they will see a decrease in the numbers for APs. When a student earns more points, he or she will see the number of APs increase.
How to Earn Achievement Points (APs)
Below are the details of the HopeLives365 Online University’s Achievement Points (AP) Program, showing how many points are awarded for each achievement / completed task.
Achievement | Achievement Points (APs) |
Complete a lesson in a course | 1,000 |
Complete each activity in an interactive video or slide presentation in the VIDEO portion of a lesson | 50 |
Complete a course | Bonus 2,000 points |
Student logs into his or her account, at least once every week | Bonus 25 points |
1) For a lesson containing a quiz, the student must achieve at least a 70% score on the quiz before the system marks the lesson as complete.
2) APs are awarded once per achievement or completed task. Therefore, retaking a lesson or course will not result in additional APs.
How to Track Your Achievement Points (APs)
- Each time you earn APs, you will receive an e-mail from HopeLives365 Online University, informing you of your achievement and the points earned.
- Log-in to your HopeLives365 Online University account and click on the trophy icon on the My Account dashboard to view a detailed history of APs earned and your current APs total. The total is updated each time you earn or expend APs.
How to Redeem / Expend Your Achievement Points (APs)
You can redeem / expend your APs by using them towards the purchase of any course in our online course catalog.
1,000 APs = $0.50 (USD). For example, 6,000 APs = (6,000/1,000) x 0.5 = $3.00(USD). Once you earn APs, you get to decide at checkout whether you want to apply your APs towards your next course purchase or save them up for later. Whichever you choose, you always earn while you learn!