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Dr. Chris Holland
Dr. Chris Holland is Senior Evangelist for Hope Channel International and co-host of Let’s Pray, a global interactive prayer program. He is also President of Living Hope School of Evangelism. Over his twenty years of ministry, Holland has served as Speaker-Director for It Is Written Canada, local church pastor, and in various administrative roles for the Adventist Church.
Chris has been involved in media ministry since college where he was involved with both television and radio programs. He wants to know Jesus more every day and to preach God’s word with power via media.His courses can be found in the following categories: Evangelism, Prophecy, Leadership, and Bible Study.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Mark Finley
Dr. Mark Finley serves as Assistant to the President of the General Conference, appointed at the 2010 General Conference Session in Atlanta. Prior to this, he became a vice president at the 2005 General Conference Session in St. Louis, after serving nearly two years as general field secretary at the world headquarters, directing the Center for Global Evangelism. As assistant to the president, he continues to work with evangelism and television as his primary portfolio.
His best-known association is as a television speaker for the series Experience Hope a weekly broadcast of the Hope Channel; for 20 years as the speaker for the It Is Written telecast; and he became a pioneer of satellite evangelism technology when he launched the first NET evangelism satellite series broadcast in North America in1995, and again in 1996, 2000 and 2008. He has preached more than 20 NET series broadcasts throughout the world with millions in attendance.
His courses can be found in the following categories: Evangelism, Prophecy, Leadership, and Bible Study.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Ernestine “Teenie” Finley
Ernestine "Teenie" Finely has conducted cooking schools for more than forty years, demonstrated thousands of vegetarian dishes, and inspired audiences around the world with her practical, down-to-earth teaching style.
She has the unique ability to make plant-based healthful dishes taste delicious and motivate attendees at Natural Lifestyle Cooking schools and classes to prepare tasty, healthy dishes for their families. She has converted her material to a two-part online course series, which is an accumulation of many of the recipes that have been taste-tested in her classes, by TV audiences, and in the Finley’s family kitchen.
Teenie completed her first marathon at the age of 70, placing third in her age group and raising tens of thousands of dollars for an evangelism center that she and her husband built in Haymarket, Virginia. She decided to run her first marathon after reading an article in the Adventist Review about an 82-year-old man who had completed 237 marathons since the age of 62.
Her courses can be found in the following categories: Evangelism, Health, and Leadership.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Bob Banks
Dr. Bob Banks has over 30-years of pastoral experience and has taught seminars on Scripture memorization, traveling in six (6) continents around the world. In 2000 he completed his doctorate from Andrews University Seminary, examining the relationship of Scripture memorization to spiritual development. Dr. Banks and his wife, Joanie, have two grown children. He enjoys hiking, biking, and most of all, seeing people’s lives changed by the power of the gospel.
His courses can be found in the Bible Study category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Josant Barrientos Jr.
Pastor Josant Barrientos Jr. serves as the Youth Director for the Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
He is currently studying for his Master of Divinity at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich., and has served in a number of capacities for the Potomac Conference Corporation. He has been a part of many youth congresses, evangelistic series, and youth retreats around the world. Josant is a gifted speaker and has an incredible talent for connecting with all ages and cultures. As Potomac’s youth director, Josant will not only focus on event planning but also finding ways for youth to connect within their local churches.
His courses can be found in the following categories: Leadership and Bible Study.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Nadine Collins
Dr. Nadine Collins is an International Speaker, Women’s Leadership Expert, Spiritual Wellness Coach, Prayer Counselor, and Author. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration but has dedicated herself to full-time ministry. She travels globally empowering the prayer lives of others as a leading expert on the topic of “prayer”. She was a guest on 3ABN Dare-to-Dream Urban Report ‘How To Pray’, which led to a new (13-part) program on prayer called ‘The Missing Peace’. She also has a series on Blessings that is headlined on Hope Channel, Kenya.
Nadine launched the very first Online Prayer Training program—Certified Prayer Counselor class with the goal of equipping others in learning how to connect more meaningfully with God and to learn how to get more YES answers from Him by using proven Biblical strategies and tools so that they, in turn, can empower others to do the same. She is also the founder of the Spiritual Wellness Coaching movement, a signature mentoring and private coaching program that empowers Christian women to break through indoctrinations, step out in faith, wake up to realize their true purpose and God-given potential and make their unique impact on the world by living their life now.
Nadine is the author of seven books, including ‘Make Your Prayer Life Go WOW’, Secrets of the WOW Praying Woman, WOW Prayer Battle Plan for Spiritual Warfare, WOW Prayer Journal, and WOW Prayers for Your Spouse.
Her courses can be found in the Bible Study category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. David DeRose
Dr. David DeRose is a physician holding board certifications in both Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH) with an emphasis in Health Promotion and Health Education. In addition to his conventional training, Dr. DeRose has three decades of experience in the alternative and complementary health field. He has worked at some of the nation’s most innovative health centers including over six years as a founding physician, and later Medical Director, of the Lifestyle Center of America.
Dr. DeRose is a published scientific researcher, who is also known for his ability to take complex subjects and explain them in lay terms. His health communication skills have been honed by more than twenty years of radio and television work and a busy public speaking schedule. Dr. DeRose is currently heard on some 200 stations as host of the nationally syndicated health radio program, American Indian Living. Please click here for a list of publications.
Dr. DeRose is known for his ability to make complex health subjects easily understood to people across educational and cultural lines. Dr. DeRose has worked in a variety of settings including the Midwest; Southern California; Orlando, Florida; New England; and New York City. His eclectic medical background provides a breadth of experience guaranteeing that all will relate to his compelling presentations of life-changing health information.
His courses can be found in the Health category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Sandra Doran
Sandra Doran, Ed.D. has enjoyed working as an educator and writer within the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the larger community for more than thirty (30) years. She is the author of seven books, hundreds of articles, and served as a columnist for the Adventist Review, Signs of the Times, and ParentTalk magazines.
Within the educational arena, she has taught on every level from pre-school through college, held top administrative roles in four schools, and worked as Associate Superintendent of Education for the Florida Conference for 15 years. Most recently, she served as founding head of North Tampa Christian Academy, creating an innovative environment for project-based learning.
Dr. Doran holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Atlantic Union College, a master’s degree in religion and communication from Andrews University, and a doctorate in special education from Boston University. She currently serves as Curriculum and Creative Director of Three Angels for Kids.
Her courses can be found in the Education, Education-Students, and Education-Teachers categories.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Michael Hasel
Michael G. Hasel, Ph.D. has taught Near Eastern studies and archaeology at Southern since 1998. In the 1995-96 academic year, he was the Samuel H. Kress Fellow at the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem. In 2005, he served as a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the Cyprus-American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) in Nicosia, Cyprus, funded by the U.S. Department of State. He is a named fellow of the Institute for Biblical Research.
The Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum was inaugurated on the campus of Southern Adventist University in 2004. As curator of the museum, Hasel was responsible for planning and displaying art and objects from the ancient Near East in a state-of-the-art exhibit entitled “Vessels in Time: A Journey Into the Biblical World.” The museum has won several awards from the Tennessee Association of Museums.
Hasel has participated and served in administrative capacities on 10 different excavation projects in the Middle East, including Gezer, Ashkelon, Dor, Miqne-Ekron, Masada, Hazor, and Khirbet Qeiyafa in Israel; and at Idalion, Cyprus, and Jalul in Jordan. Recently, the Institute of Archaeology at Southern Adventist University co-sponsored Fourth Expedition to Lachish with The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Hasel served as Co-Director of the Lachish excavations.
His courses can be found in the Bible Study category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Ariel Hinkle
Ariel Hinkle performs the critical and enormous task of proofreading the content of HopeLives365 Online University's courses before they are made available to students.
She checks all of the textual content of the courses, lessons, assignments, and downloadable attachments for misspellings, inaccuracies in grammar or references. She also provides frequent updates to the university's Facebook and Instagram social media pages.
Areas of Ministry Focus

James “Jim” Howard
Pastor James “Jim” Howard is the Associate Director of the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department. Prior to taking his current role at the General Conference, Elder Howard served as a pastor in the Ohio and Michigan conferences, and as the Evangelism Coordinator and Personal Ministries Director for the Michigan Conference. His ministry was preceded by a 12-year accounting career in which he last held the position of Business Unit Controller.
Throughout his ministry of preaching, teaching, training, and developing soul-winning resources, he has helped both leaders and laypeople to accept the call of Christ to share Three Angels’ Messages with others. His burden is to lead every member to a closer walk with Jesus through communion with God, fellowship with the church, and active involvement in both personal and public outreach.
His courses can be found in the Leadership category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Gary Krause
Dr. Gary Krause was elected as Associate Secretary of the General Conference in July 2010. He serves as the Director of Adventist Mission, which oversees the Global Mission Study Centers, church planting, and mission promotion.
Krause holds a Bachelor’s in Education from Avondale College and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Newcastle in Australia. He earned a Master of Arts in Journalism from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, and a Ph.D. in Practical Theology, focusing on Seventh-day Adventist urban ministry, from the University of Queensland. He grew up in the mission field and served in Australia prior to coming to the General Conference.
His courses can be found in the Evangelism category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Christian Martin
Pastor Christian Martin is the lead pastor of the Living Hope Seventh-day Adventist Community Church in Haymarket, Virginia. His wife, Heidi, and their two children, Elijah and Moriah, share in the joy of ministry. Christian was born in Argentina and has traveled to over 40 countries with over half on mission trips.
He graduated from Southern Adventist University ('99) and Andrews Theological Seminary ('03) and has served in the Michigan, Oregon, and Rocky Mountain Conferences. He has been serving in the Potomac Conference since May of 2019. He has a heart for missions and mobilizing churches for evangelism, and a love for young people.His courses can be found in the Prophecy category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Duane McKey
Dr. Duane McKey is the President of Adventist World Radio (AWR). He served as the director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries at the world headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as assistant to Ted Wilson, the president of the denomination, for Total Member Involvement since 2015. Prior to that, he was vice president of the Southwestern Union Conference in Texas, USA, and president of the Arizona Conference.
His courses can be found in the AWR360 and AWR360-ENG categories.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Neville Neveling
Neville has been living in Namibia for the last 31 years. He is married to Reinet and has two sons Ewan and Simon. The youngest – Simon is married to Jenny, a British citizen and they have 4 daughters. Neville was involved in IT for 12 years dealing with the development of relational databases.
In 1983 he continued his Theology studies with Andrews University through Helderberg College in Somerset West, South Africa. During this time he was published several times in the “Ostraka” – a Theology Faculty publication produced by Dr. Isak van Zyl. He also pastored the Strand Church during this time and planted the church in Stellenbosch, South Africa together with Dr. Isak van Zyl. In 1987 he accepted an offer to work for the Religious Department of the South West African Broadcasting Corporation in Windhoek, Namibia. This later became the Namibian Broadcasting Company.
He actively worked to promote the message of the Blessed Hope to this vast country. He has also been involved in the church and especially with Evangelism as that is one of his favorite activities. Since 2017 he has been involved with Total Member Involvement (TMI) and developed a communications program to reach people on their cellphones. Because of this development, he now works for AWR360/TMI at General Conference as the Global Evangelism Trainer.
His courses can be found in the AWR360 and AWR360-ENG categories.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Dr. Lyle Notice
Dr. Lyle Notice is the Youth Director for the Alberta Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
He grew up in the City of Toronto. From a young age, he had a passion for the stage and had begun an acting career when he felt God calling him to ministry. After graduating from Canadian University College and Andrews University, he accepted a call to become youth pastor at the Ottawa, Orleans, and Kanata Churches.
His courses can be found in the Leadership category
Areas of Ministry Focus

Gideon Pelser
Gideon Pelser is a writer. speaker. preacher. cell phone evangelist from Johannesburg, South Africa.
His courses can be found in the AWR360 and AWR360-ENG categories.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Christopher Sealey
Christopher N. Sealey is a Christian writer who speaks and a Christian speaker who writes. He is a dynamic speaker and has a wonderful ability to inform and inspire audiences toward increased levels of commitment to stewardship and other Christian principles. His ministry has resulted in bringing others to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, and many more to establish a deeper relationship with Christ.
Over the years, he has allowed the Lord to use him in service in several different areas of ministry, some of which include: Head Treasurer, Finance Committee chairman, stewardship leader, and ordained elder. He is also the Director of Academic Programs and Development for the HopeLives365 Online University.
God used him as the stewardship leader to motivate, admonish, and encourage the members of the many congregations to a renewed commitment to all aspects of stewardship, including sustained double-digit year-over-year growth in tithing and freewill offering. Here is what one of his former pastors had to say about his ministry in the Lord: “The content, in his books, is not only about the philosophy of stewardship. It explains time tested strategies, methods, and principles Chris employed as a treasurer, finance committee chair, church board member, elder, and disciple in the church of God.” – Dr. Neil Reid, Ministerial Director, Georgia-Cumberland Seventh-day Adventist ConferenceHis courses can be found in the Bible Study category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Brad Thorp
Since 2016, Thorp has served at the General Conference assisting Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as a Field Secretary for evangelism outreach. He will continue to do so part-time in addition to his new Review and Herald Publishing Association (R&H) responsibilities. Previously, he served as president of the denomination’s television outreach, Hope Channel, for 22 years. During that time, Thorp oversaw Hope Channel’s growth from a NET satellite uplink in the 1990s to a global television network broadcasting in multiple countries and languages.
His courses can be found in the following categories: Evangelism and Bible Study.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Alyssa Truman
Alyssa Truman is a Digital Evangelism Manager working in the Communication Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. She also works as a Marketing Manager with Adventist World Radio.
Her courses can be found in the Evangelism category.
Areas of Ministry Focus

Johnny Wong
Johnny Wong is a church planter in Melbourne, Australia, and the founder of Gateway Adventist Centre. He has conducted training in over twenty (20) countries worldwide, covering topics such as Care Group, Discipleship, Leadership, and Church Planting. Johnny is a Seventh-day Adventist lay leader whose training is in Information Technology and has worked in senior management positions in Oracle, Ansett Group, and Hewlett Packard.
His courses can be found in the Leadership category.