Digital Badging - Frequently Asked Questions

Have some questions on Digital Badging?

What is a digital badge?

Digital badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification or learning outcome which can be verified in real-time, online. A badge is a digital image/URL and some metadata. The data can be baked into the digital badge, meaning that HopeLives365 Online University creates the badge’s metadata; this is designed to support verification of the badges so that a learner’s badge(s) can be quickly and easily checked for authenticity. The data in the badge includes information about:

  • what HopeLives365 Online University’s learning criteria were required and accomplished by the learner
  • who earned it
  • HopeLives365 Online University as the official issuer

Digital badges are sometimes referred to as micro-credentials.

What are the benefits of a digital badge?

Representing your learning achievements as a digital badge gives you a way to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted and can be easily verified in real-time. Digital badges provide pastors, lay leaders, and peers concrete, verifiable, evidence of what you have learned/achieved and how you can better serve in ministry to advance the work of God in your local church and community.

How does my certificate get displayed as a digital badge?

HopeLives365 Online University has partnered with Badgr, a leader in badging platforms, to translate the learning outcomes you’ve demonstrated into a digital badge. The technology Badgr uses enables you to manage, share and verify your competencies digitally.

Who is Badgr?

Badgr is trusted by over 20,000 issuing organizations spanning over 140 countries. Millions of users earn, share, and use digital credentials in Badgr every day.

There is no cost to you to use Badgr. This is a service we provide to you, at no cost.

How will I know if I’ve earned a digital badge?

After you have successfully completed the required certificate courses on HopeLives365 Online University and our team has verified your completion of the badge criteria, we will issue your digital badge. You will receive an email notification from us informing you that you have earned a new badge. Shortly afterward, you receive a second email from Badgr with instructions for claiming your badge, sharing it with others via your personal social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), and setting up your FREE Badgr account.

There will be a new icon (trophy image) on your HopeLives365 Online University’s student dashboard labeled, Achievements. Clicking on that icon takes you to a page, which displays the digital badge(s) you have earned. There is a small, one-time, fee to the recipient for HopeLives365 Online University to setup, configure, and issue the digital badge through the Badgr platform. Digital badges are configured to never expire.

What if I don’t want my digital badge to be public?

You can decide not to share you badge. You’re in complete control of the information about yourself that is made public.

What’s to keep someone else from copying my digital badge and using it?

While badges are simply digital image files and URLs, they are uniquely linked to data hosted on the Badgr platform. This link to verified data makes them more reliable and secure than a paper-based certificate. It also eliminates the possibility of anyone claiming your credentials and your associated identity. Your digital badge can be verified on the Badgr platform,

I have a question about the Badgr platform. Where can I find support?

You can find answers to frequently asked Badgr questions here: Sharing Digital Badges


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