Soeke na Sekerheid

Moderne Kultusse het Vyf Weë Geïdentifiseer

Avoiding Deception in Today’s World

Cults are on the rise. False religious teachers continue to attract multitudes. Sincere people are being deceived. The stakes are high. It makes all the difference who you follow. More than 900 members of the Peoples Temple followed their leader, Jim Jones, on a path of death into the jungles of Guyana in the late 1970s. David Koresh’s followers died a fiery death in Waco, Texas. Members of Heaven’s Gate evidently listened to their leader, Marshall Applewhite, and committed mass suicide in an affluent southern California suburb.

Why were these people deceived? Are there some clear ways to identify false religious teachers? This lesson will present five clear identifying features of a cult to help you keep from being deceived.


This lesson contains an inspirational video presentation from Pastor Mark Finley titled, “The Fatal Attraction of the Cults.” Throughout the centuries, the devil has a strategy that if he cannot stop us from worshipping the creator God, he instead confuses our mind and creates a cult to deceive us into worshipping him. Pastor Finley identifies the signs of cults and how you can avoid them.


A FREE copy of Pastor Mark Finley’s notes, “How to Identify a Cult Deception,” is available in the RESOURCES section of the lesson for use as additional resource/study material.


To complete the lesson:

Take the computer-graded online quiz. The question-and-answer format in the quiz is designed to help you better understand the Bible. You may also download a FREE copy of the Bible (KJV) to review the Scriptures referenced in the questions in the quiz. The Scriptures contain the answers.

A score of 70% or higher on the quiz is required to pass the lesson. If you score less than 70% on a quiz, you must redo the quiz and resubmit for grading. There is no additional cost to redo the quiz, and you are given two chances for redo – for a total of three (3) submissions. Failure to get a passing score on the third submission will result in no certificate for the course.


Read Lesson Handout
Free-King James Bible
How to Identify a Cult Deception
Bybel (KJV)